Saturday, April 16, 2011

What is your fitness personality?

Why do exercise goals fail? Most often it is not the lack of good intentions or the lack of knowledge that makes us fall off the wagon, it is the fact we are trying to put a square peg in a round hole. If the workout does not fit your personality, you are not going to stick with it. What type of fitness personality do you have?

I’m a fit mama first, everything else second! Kids are your #1 priority. Childcare is not an option and you would hate to waste good money on a babysitter to run to the gym. What’s a fit mama to do? Grab a second hand stroller and start pushing. If the kids are a bit bigger, walk or run while they bike beside you. Even better, get those kids on the bike stroller and bike them around the neighborhood, to school, or on errands. Pulling around an extra 40-50 pounds will get that booty firm in no time. Too cold to go outside? Have the kids do exercise DVD’s with you. Ask them to help you count to 100 when you do your push-ups or time you as you do wind-sprints around the house.

Social butterflies unite! You are the life of the party, but after a few too many margaritas your jeans don’t seem to be fitting as nicely. Social butterflies use your power to get your friends to ditch the high-calorie lunch in exchange for a noontime walk or fitness class. Go for a run with your gal pals BEFORE hitting happy hour. Of all fitness types, you are the ideal gal to join the gym and go to as many classes as you can. What to take it up a notch? Sign up for Team in Training or Athletes for a Cure and do a triathlon or run with 100’s of your new best friends while raising money for a good cause.

I am so exhausted after work, working out is the last thing on my mind! You know that people who work out in the morning (the most obvious recommendation for this personality type) are much more likely to stick with a workout program. But, some people (like my amazingly fit husband) would prefer to face the guillotine than wake up at 6:00AM and follow a chipper spin instructor. Try giving up TV or after work drinks to squeeze in a personal training session or jog around the block. Can’t bear to turn off Glee? During every commercial see how many sit-ups you can do or get a used stationary bike and sprint during every musical number.

Nothing but business. I’ve been a management consultant, and I know that balancing a high-pressure job and a fit bod is close to impossible. Your goal is to squeeze it in, where ever you can. If you have already cleared out your calendar and still can’t find time to work out during the week, try taking a 15 minute walk during work, either outside or around the office (four days a week if possible) and then make weekend workouts a priority. If you watch what you eat and walk whenever you can, being a weekend warrior will reduce your stress and give you something to look forward to on the weekend.

As for me, I love getting up at 5:45AM, while my son, husband, and dog are still in dreamland, and jumping in a cold pool to swim 2 miles or chugging down coffee before I lift weights before the sun comes up. But that is me. And yes, I seriously do love it.

What other type of fitness personalities are out there? How do you stick with your exercise and health goals?


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