Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Many Dangers Of Second Hand Smoke

Almost everyone is exposed to the secondary smoke. Each year thousands of nonsmoking adults die of lung cancer as a result of breathing second hand smoke from others’ cigarettes.

These people die because they were repeatedly poisoned by the smoke without their consent. In other words they are MURDERED except that the acts by the smokers are legal!

Second hand smoke is a combination of poisonous gases, liquids and breathable particles that are harmful to your health. A nonsmoker breathing second hand smoke can be exposed to 40000 different chemicals, 50 of which are associated with or known to cause cancer.

Exposure to second hand smoke for as little as 8 to 20 minutes can cause physical reactions linked to heart and stroke disease.

Prolonged and repeated exposure to second hand smoke means that you are more likely to develop second hand smoke diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease, asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia .

Smoke affects nonsmokers more than smokers themselves. This is because smokers burn off the major percentage of chemicals when they inhale air to encourage the burning of the cigarette. Air drawn in this way is also diffused and dilutes the smoker’s toxic gases. Non-smokers don’t breathe in air together with the smoke to diffuse the smoke’s toxicity.

What Can Second Hand Smoke Do To A Child

Infants and children exposed to smoke are susceptible to numerous health risks. For babies, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) occurs three times as frequently to smoking pregnant mothers.

Mums who refrained lighting up during pregnancy but resumed smoking after delivery expose the baby to high risks of SIDS. This is due to tobacco’s smoke toxins entering the infant’s immature body and paralyzing or damaging the body.

Involuntary smoking also causes ear infections in children as their middle ears are still immature and the smoke attacks their immune system. The weakened immunity renders the child susceptible to viral and bacterial infections.

Second hand smoke damages lung development in children and makes them prone to fall ill to respiratory tracts infections like bronchitis and pneumonia. Passive smoking worsens asthmatic children.

It may also induce asthma in otherwise healthy children. Smoke has so many toxins that it causes lung cancer in nonsmokers who inhale the smoke. Constant exposure to tobacco smoke doubles the risk of getting heart disease.

How To Avoid Second Hand Smoke

* Ban smoking in your house and car. Toxins from smoke remain for ages in the surrounding atmosphere.

* If someone must smoke within your vicinity, please request the smoker to light up somewhere isolated to prevent toxins circulating within your vicinity via the ventilation system.

* Ban smoking in houses with infants and children. Smoke drifts and circulates to contaminate the entire house.

A Smoke Free Environment At Home

* Ensure that no family member or guest smokes in your home.

* Do not keep lighter or ash tray which encourage the smoking habit.

* The head of the family should set a good example to the other family members by being a nonsmoker.

* Advise and encourage family members by being a nonsmoker.

A Smoke Free Environment At Workplace

* Formulate a no smoking policy to prohibit employees including food handlers from smoking.

* Display no smoking signs at strategic locations.

* Organize anti smoking and quit smoking campaigns for employees.

Employee’s Role Towards A Smoke Free Environment At Workplace

* Do not start smoking.

* Quit smoking if you are a smoker.

* Support and observe the no smoking policy at workplace.

* Encourage co workers who smoke to quit smoking.


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