Sunday, March 27, 2011

Rebound From Holiday Overeating in Three Easy Steps

My waist definitely started expanding at Christmas dinner. Or while I was baking (and tasting) those dozens of holiday cookies. Or maybe it was that pound of stuffing at Thanksgiving...or the mounds of candy at Halloween. Whatever kicked off your seasonal indulgences, it's time to hit pause. Get back on track—and into your pre-holiday jeans—with these top three slim-down tips.

Schedule your workouts for early morning, even if it's just for the next few weeks. Recent studies show that "exercising in a fasted state," which really only makes sense before you've eaten breakfast, "coaxes the body to burn a greater percentage of fat for fuel," so it "directly combats the most detrimental effects of eating a high-fat, high-calorie diet."

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Tragic Tobacco Story

The economic costs of tobacco use are equally devastating. In addition to the high public health costs of treating tobacco-caused diseases, tobacco kills people at the height of their productivity, depriving families of breadwinners and nations of a healthy workforce. Tobacco users are also less productive while they are alive due to increased sickness.

A report in 1994 estimated that the use of tobacco resulted in an annual global net loss of a staggering US$200 billion, a third of this loss being developing countries.

Nicotine, a powerful central nervous system stimulant found naturally in the tobacco leaf, is classified as a drug. Nicotine is one of the main ingredients in tobacco. In higher doses, nicotine is extremely poisonous. It is commonly used as an insecticide.

Monday, March 21, 2011

A cleanse that isn’t crazy

It’s no secret that many women will go to nutty extremes to trim off a few pounds—especially this time of year, when we’re feeling the guilt hangover of holiday indulgences. Still, when I heard that a study in the journal Obesity found that one in 20 women would rather give up a limb—a limb!—than be obese, my jaw hit the floor

I blame the recent proliferation of trendy detox diets that promise miraculous results. Who can resist the allure of a quick fix ? The truth is, most cleanses are an unhealthy formula of minimal calories, accompanied by dangerous diuretics that flush your body of important nutrients. Sure, that may result in weight loss—but not the lasting kind you want. You may end up losing water weight (or worse, muscle mass) instead of fat. Plus, there’s no science to back up the claims that these diets are actually “detoxifying.”

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Connection Between Oral Care And Chronic Diseases

Why dental care? The answers are varied: the allure of a perfect set of pearly whites or, on the other hand, the fear of caries and gum problems that invariably lead to the dentist’s chair.

Well, there are additional reasons to support regimented oral care – gum problems are linked to an increased risk for heart and lung diseases, diabetes and, in pregnant women, a greater tendency for babies to be delivered pre-term and with low-birth weight.

Dr. Ray Williams, an expert in periodontology and dentistry at the University of North Carolina’s school of dentistry, says “An initial study of 20,749 subjects showed that subjects with periodontitis had a 24% increased risk of coronary heart disease relative to those had minimal periodontal disease.”

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Top 5 Unsafe Home Remedies To Avoid

Have you had your ear wax removed or colon cleansing from the comfort of your home? Home remedies are fine but some do-it-yourself health techniques can bring trouble and do more harm than good.

Ear Candling

The ear has its own natural lubricant which is the ear wax. It prevents infections with its acidic pH and it waterproofs the ear. It is one of our body lines of defense. Uncommonly, some people do have a potential of building up wax that causes itching and impaired hearing. This is when people opt to go for do-it-yourself home remedy, removing the ear wax and other impurities through ear candling. Ear candling is done by lighting a fire to a candle-shaped beeswax cone inches from the ear and wait till the wick burns to achieve the results. This can be considered dangerous as it is not easy and may also results to hearing loss. It can also cause burns in the ear canal and on the eardrum due to the fire. As an alternative to ear candling, excess wax can be removed by wrapping tissue around the finger and wiping it out from the outer part of the ear.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Ways To Prevent Oral Diseases

Teeth, especially molars and pre-molars, contain fissures on the ‘chewing’ surfaces. Plaque can easily accumulate in fissures which the bristles of the toothbrush cannot reach, thus making teeth prone to caries.

1. Fissure Sealants

Fissure sealants are tooth-colored resins to seal off deep fissures on the surfaces of these back teeth.

Sealants stick to the enamel and prevent plaque from settling.

Fissure sealants are usually used on children with permanent molars that are identified as prone to caries. Sealants, together with proper brushing and diet control, help to prevent decay from starting within the deep fissures of teeth.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Idol Lips – Plumper Lips Without Injectables or Implants

You have probably heard of horror stories from people who underwent lip augmentation surgery or filler injection.

Achieving voluminous lips does not have to be risky and expensive. If the lip implant is too long or does not fit the curvature of lips, infection or irritation may develop. The body may also react negatively to the implant and treat it as if it is a bacterium or virus. Other complications include palpability, reduced mobility of the lips and deformity from too much scar tissues which may be caused by infection or lack of surgical precision.

In case of liquid implants, migration of the fluid is a serious risk that can lead to necrosis and granuloma formation. Some fluid implants have unpredictable inflammatory reactions. Too much scarring could make it impossible to drain the implants without causing deformity to the lips. The patient could also suffer from permanent discolorations due to bruising and hematoma as a result of corrective surgeries.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dental White from Smile 4 You – Clinically Proven Dental Grade Teeth Whitening Kit

Shining white teeth that glitter like pearls and add sparkle to your smile – or so the makers of a teeth whitening kit – Smile 4 You would like us to believe is possible to achieve.

Smile 4 You is not the only one to pamper us with a teeth whitening kit nor is it the first. In fact there are perhaps a thousand teeth whitening kit out there with each of them making tall claims of being able to restore the brightness of your teeth in a manner that’s better than the rest.

But what makes the teeth whitening kit from Smile 4 You to stand out of the crowd is the way it delivers what it promises, each time and every time, something that the thousands of satisfied customer from around the world would readily agree with and would swear by the efficacy and safety of the whitening solution.

Friday, March 4, 2011

12 Embarrassing Body Problems

Filed under: Beauty,Conditions & Diseases,Expert Tips & Advice,Infection,Oral Health,Skin Health

Stinky Feet

Our feet have their share of normal bacteria, which produce stinky sulfurous odor when they come into contact with moisture from socks and shoes or when your feet become sweaty. The solution is to always keep your feet dry. Your socks should be made of absorbent cotton and your shoes from breathable materials, like canvas and leather. Sprinkle a drying powder in your shoes every morning, and place a desiccant in them when you put them away. Treat your feet to a relaxing and cleansing soak in a basin of regular tea to let the tannins in the tea to inhibit sweat production temporarily. You may have fungal or bacterial infection if your feet are red, swollen, or scaly, and you should see a doctor for proper treatment.