Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Eat to Lose Weight - Why Starvation Diets Never Work

fuel form

Asking your body to work without food is like asking your car to keep running once its gauge says "empty". It is just not going to happen. Your car needs fuel in the form of gasoline to work properly; your body needs fuel in the form of calories to run properly as well. Giving your body good fuel will allow it to work properly and will allow you to achieve not only better health, but the slow and steady weight loss that is actually sustainable and realistic. Starvation diets do not work for weight loss because starvation throws everything in the body out of balance, everything including your metabolism

Your metabolism is the rate at which your body uses the fuel that it gets for energy. In simpler terms, metabolism is how fast your body burns calories. Nearly everything that you eat or drink has calories. Calories are the unit used to measure the amount of energy that it takes to convert and use food for energy. If you eat more calories than your body needs to maintain its systems and to move around, you will store what is left in your fat cells; you will gain weight.

If you burn off too many calories and do not replace them, your body will seek energy from other sources which could include your own lean muscle tissues. While you do want to burn your fat for energy, you do not want to destroy muscle in the process. Weight loss then becomes a delicate balancing act of learning what is and what is not the right amount of calories to take in each day.

Starvation is not a normal state for your body to be in. To survive, the body will sense that it is in danger and will start shutting down the metabolism - it will not burn any fuel for energy. What will happen instead is simple: the body will hold on to every single calorie it receives, and when you do eat, your body will continue holding on. If you slow or stall your metabolism for long enough, you may find it very difficult to get it started again.

body needs

Friday, October 24, 2014

Eat to Lose Weight - The Importance of Healthy Eating and Exercise

lose weight

Are you looking for ways to help you lose weight? Or more specifically, are you looking for ways you can eat to lose weight? Perhaps you already know that the two most important components of losing weight are exercise and healthy eating. They are so vital that without either of them, chances are you will not lose weight; in fact you may even gain weight!

However, when it comes to healthy eating, many people don't know where to start. Well, you can start by doing some research on healthy foods and recipes. In fact, I have written about a few articles on healthy diets and recipes. Go do a search on the internet or go to a book store. Once you know what and how to cook, you can then start eating healthy.

One thing to remember when you embark on your "eat to lose weight" diet is not to eat the same types of food over and over again. I know that many people have their favourite foods, me included. This is because they are comfort foods that taste good and we do not mind eating every day. My advice is to get a selection of healthy eating cookbooks and recipes. That way, you won't get bored with eating the same types of food all the time.

about lose

Then of course you need to exercise. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of exercise in your weight loss routine. If you really want to seriously lose weight, you need to exercise. The good news is exercising doesn't necessarily means you need to hit the gym or do hours and hours of workout. You can go for long walks or slow jog through scenic places. You can play your favourite sports like maybe bowling, a game that I recently picked up, which is great for your weight loss program.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Eat To Lose Weight - Cycle Your Eating For Rapid Fat Loss

calories sustain basic

Now, I know a lot of people are thinking "I've tried everything to lose weight, and I've heard of the 'eat to lose weight' approach. So why can't I eat what I want and lose weight following this method?" What you need to understand is that there is actually a complex mechanism at work that allows you to lose weight when following this system; it is however not about gorging yourself and expecting to lose excess pounds.

First, we need to understand what happens when we eat excessively as well as when when don't eat enough calories to sustain our basic body functions. On one side, the result of overeating, meaning taking in more calories than we burn, is weight gain because the body can only process so many calories in any given day not to mention, in any given meal. What many people don't realize, is that when we don't eat enough calories to sustain basic functions, our bodies think that we are starving; a defense mechanism kicks in, and our bodies take every expendable calorie and turn it into fat because the body thinks that it is going to starve.

The difference between the two aforementioned situations can actually be manipulated to increase your results in your journey to permanent weight loss. Let's say that you need 2000 calories to maintain your present body weight; in order to lose one pound of weight in 1 week, you need to eat to lose weight, 3500 less calories per month than you need to maintain your present weight.

your body

The problem with this, is that our bodies are very adaptive. When your body 'realizes' what is going on, it will begin to hold onto calories, and the weight loss will plateau, much like with building muscle. On the opposite side of the spectrum we have the scenario where we don't eat enough and the body goes into starvation mode, saving every calorie as fat.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Eat to Lose Weight - But What?

content fiber

Eat to lose weight... but what? I'm going to show you what to eat without boring you to death. I know you know all about eating more fruits and vegetables so I'll skip that stuff.

I'm going to give you some "bridge foods" that'll start bridging over your diet mistakes and help you turn the corner for weight loss without you having to suffer or feel deprived.

Eat To Lose Weight

1. Eat black beans

Black beans are high in protein and fiber without any sugar. A can costs about 50 cents, but packs in 25 grams of fiber and 25 grams of protein. This is a "bridge food" because you can eat it as part of your meal, while still eating foods you normally eat. You are "bridging out" other foods and replacing them with these foods that are much healthier.

I suggest you eat a can a day... doesn't matter how. Just make sure the can is empty by the end of the day.

2. Lentils

A 1 pound bag of lentils costs about 72 cents and contains 143 grams of fiber and 130 grams of protein. YEAH! That's nothing short of incredible nutrition-wise. Again, eat these along with other foods you normally eat. Gradually eat more and more of these and cut back on the normal foods you eat.

A nice easy transition is what will make your weight loss a long term success. I suggest you eat 3 ounces of lentils with a meal.

3. Apples

Even though apples aren't my favorite fruit, they're the best for weight loss as far as I'm concerned. Why? Because of the high water content and fiber in them. Plus their convenience. Other fruits also have high water content and fiber in them, but they're just not as convenient as apples.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Eat to Lose Weight - 3 Simple Tips For How to Eat to Lose Weight

before grocery store

There's so much conflicting information out there about what to do to lose weight that it can be confusing trying to figure out how to eat to lose weight. Here are some simple eating tips that will have you shedding pounds in no time:

1. Plan out your shopping.

One of the biggest keys to eating to lose weight is to plan ahead before you hit the grocery store. Start by scheduling a time to shop each week and make it habit. Before you head out to the store plan all the meals you will eat throughout the week and create a shopping list with all the ingredients you will need to make those meals. Try to organize your list according to the layout of the grocery store (ie. group all dairy items together, all fruits and vegetables together, etc) to make shopping faster and avoid having to run back to a part of the store for something you missed the first time through.

When you get to the grocery store stick to your list! If something isn't on it don't put it in your cart. This will help you avoid the temptation of things like a great deal on a pack of cookies or other junk food that jumps out at you as you make your way around the store. Also, be sure to eat before you hit the grocery store. Shopping on a full stomach will go a long ways toward keeping you from overloading your cart with bad food choices.

2. Monitor your portions.

grocery store

One of the easiest ways to lose weight is to eat smaller portions of food. Most dinner plates are far too large for how much we should actually be eating at each meal which makes it easy to overload on calories that we don't need. Try taking less food at each meal and then giving yourself some time for your stomach to register that there is food in it before you go back for seconds. You may be surprised to find how little food it actually takes for you to feel full if you give it time to settle.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Diet and Weight Loss Tips

weight control

Although diet and weight control are closely related, at least cousins, they should be thought of separately. Considering the vast abundance of available information on diet and weight loss, it's extremely easy to wind up getting confused and frustrated. However, be careful: there are many diet and weight loss tips out there that actually aren't accurate at all. Diet and weight control tips are extremely competitive areas, within the top 30 of the most searched terms on the web.

Starving yourself when you are dieting is the worse thing that you could do. This means no crash dieting, just sensible eating and plenty of calorie burning exercise. Losing Weight Means Eating Small Portions We are all brainwashed into thinking that losing weight or dieting means eating tiny portions. For any diet, drinking water is a healthy way to keep your dieting on track. Fortunately dieting and losing pounds needn't be the chore that it is often made said to be and it is feasible to eat whenever you want and. There are many weight loss and diet plans that are supported by hundreds of low calorie recipes for Diets, in addition to thousands of how to control your weight articles containing doable, smart dieting advice to help you trim off those unwanted pounds.

weight control

I'm going to make a gross generalization here, but... why would I trust an overweight doctor or nutritionist to give me proper advice on losing weight. You can consult a nutritionist, but always buy on your own - and keep these supplements to a minimum. Tips, books, online nutrient analysis of your diet, plus nutrition counseling with a dietitian. slimming, nutrition, weight control, dieting, staying healthy, eating smart. For the sake of your health, always consult your doctor before making any significant dietary, nutritional or lifestyle changes. For the sake of your health, always consult your doctor before making any significant dietary, nutritional or lifestyle changes.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Diet and Weight Loss Tips For Men and Women Who Are Weight Loss Resistant

Diet Weight

Here are diet and weight loss tips that will help your body work more efficiently at losing weight even if you are weight loss resistant. There are many reasons that your body can become resistant to losing weight and while thyroid issues and other medical reasons should be investigated with your doctor the problem could be that you have been overweight and inactive and your body has become inefficient at burning fat. The good news is that anyone can take steps to prime their body for weight loss success again and this article shows you how, I encourage you to read on and learn how you can start losing again.

Diet And Weight Loss Tips

1. Two Week Carb Shift. One of the most common reasons a body will stop losing is because it has become too dependent on burning carbohydrates for energy and is now neglecting to burn body fat for energy. If you feed your body a steady supply of carbs throughout the day it will burn use them for energy because they are quick and easy to break down.

For the next 2 weeks cut carbs out of your diet after lunch. This gives your body no choice other then to become efficient at burning body fat for it's energy needs later in the day and because you are retraining your body to burn fat you will prime your body for continued fat burning.

2. Prioritize the right type of exercise. Not all exercise is created equal in a weight resistant body. If you are walking or exercising at a slow and steady pace you are burning calories but the benefit of the exercise ends as soon as you stop moving. You want to exercise in a way that stimulates your fat burning metabolism so your body continues to burn fat for hours after your exercise is done.