Friday, August 29, 2014

Calories to Lose Weight - Who Else Wants to Rid of Excess Weight Once and For All?


If you are currently trying to shred a few pounds, or are contemplating embarking on a diet in order to lose body weight, you may or may not be aware of different methods in which you can use to aid you in your lose weight plan. It is a known fact that the foods which you eat play a major part in how you gain weight, maintain your weight and generally keep your body working well. However, in order to be able to drop a clothes size and burn fat, it is essential that you strike the right balance of calories to and how many calories you need in order to keep your energy levels up and keep your body working well.


Anytime you start, it is important to remember that losing 5 or 10 pounds a week will be quicker and more successful when combined with an exercise plan. This is where you have the right balance of calories to that you take in each day to aid in your weight loss. In order to lose fat, you will need to eat fewer calories, but it is important to not drastically reduce your calorie intake, as part of your lose weight plan, as this can lead to health problems and potentially result in your body burning muscle rather than fat which is not your aim. When combined with a steady and effective exercise plan, this means that any calories that you burn off will come from your body fat, thus aiding you as you lose body weight and helping you to become fitter and healthier at the same time.


However, it is also important to be safe anytime you decide to embark on a lose weight program, whether it is by upping your exercise, decreasing your calorie intake, or a combination of both. You need to give your body time to adjust to the changes you are introducing to it, and so it is important that you do not attempt to lose body weight too quickly. One of the best ways in which you can achieve a successful and safe weight loss is by planning out your goals carefully and making sure that they are realistic to what you can achieve. By using a calorie lose weight program, you will be able to see what kind of results you can achieve by slowly introducing your new eating plan into your life, and as you get fitter and can increase your exercise plan, make these goals slightly more ambitious-but never try to do more than your body can handle. This is one of most important things to consider when attempting to control calories to lose weight, as pushing your body too far can result in injuries from over doing your exercise and illness due to your body going into starvation mode due to the lack of food it has been given. This in affect can ruin all of the hard work you have already done as your metabolism will slow down which will make your weight loss rate decrease, making it harder to shift pounds. In all, it is clear to see why it is imperative to look after yourself from all angles when losing weight.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Calories to Lose Weight - What If You Could Lose 14 Pounds in 14 Days?

lose weight

It has been scientifically proven that two out of every three American's are overweight or obese. These are shocking figures. What if you could lose 14 pounds in 14 days? Would you be interested? I thought you might!

Although it is important that you monitor your calories to lose weight, there are several other factors that you need to consider. Have you began to notice the fact that there are so many overweight people in your local community. Sometimes we just get to used to what we see and in other cases we tend to accept what we see as normal. As you think about your circle of friends, you'll be surprised to discover that at least two out of every three of your friends are probably overweight or obese. This of course happens very easily as we age. Is it normal, should we accept it? Goodness No! In just a short while you will personally discover the secrets to reduce your waist, hips and thighs, increase your energy levels and feel great!

I'm sure that you have felt that if you could only control your calorie count you would shed the pounds very easily. When in fact you need to concentrate more on the types of foods you eat and the times at which you eat. Reducing your food intake to 1200 or less calories will not help you to lose weight in the long term. And by reducing your food intake below 1200 calories or less may cause devastating effects on your body to burn excessive fat. You will only suffer fatigue, the depletion of lean muscle tissue and increased body fat.

need know

Envision yourself being able to eat foods from every food group, exercising a few times per week all whilst you lose 14 pounds every 14 days! Your mind begins to realize that you can do this, that you can lose weight and that you can do it every day without suffering the common side effects of dieting.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Calories to Lose Weight - Use Lean Body Mass to Build Muscle at the Same Time

your body

Calories to Lose Weight

Calculating the calories to lose weight, or body fat is important to making the defined muscle that you have built visible. Clearly the more muscle you have, the easier it should be to lose body weight related to excess body fat. It is important to understand the losing weight without consideration for whether that weight is body fat or muscle could be preventing you from reaching your goals, having the body that you want, and keeping it that way. Without muscle, your body is robbed of the calorie burning furnace that you can use to great effect, to lose body fat.

Having a lot of muscle, and keeping on exercising your lean muscle, will mean that you will have a constant requirement for calories, to rebuild and grow muscle, as well as all your day-to-day activities. This means that having the odd treat is going to have much less of an impact on your body, than it would he you had little muscle, and a very strict calorie controlled diet. This is why diets often have a yoyo effect, as the balance is much easier to upset without muscle as there are much smaller margins.

Lean Body Mass - How it related to Losing Weight

Lean Body Mass is the weight of the body without fat. Don't think that your goal should be the same as your lean body mass - it shouldn't, you would be dead if you achieved that goal. Your body needs some fat - the quality of which is very important to how good your results will be. Natural fats, such as olive oil, omega 3 (from fish) are really good for you in the right amounts, and will help you.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Calories to Lose Weight - What are the Right Amount of Calories to Lose Weight?

body mass

Ask one hundred random people on the street what the right amount of daily calories to lose weight is, and you will get one hundred different answers. The sad thing is, if you asked one hundred random fitness experts the same question, there is a very good chance that you would get the same level of varied answers. Even among the fitness community, there seems to be no real consensus on optimal daily calorie intake for weight loss. Weight loss plans propose varying calorie intake amount that vary as wildly as 500 to 2500. How can an average person, with no education in weight loss or nutritional sciences, be expected to make an educated decision?

Well, there are a few guidelines that can help in the process of deciding what the perfect amount of calories is for you to lose weight at a reasonable pace.

First of all, calculate your basal metabolism rate. This means how many calories your body burns every day just by doing every day body tasks like keeping your heart beating, breathing, and digesting. For this, you will actually have to do a little math, so whip out your calculators, boys and girls!

basal metabolism rate

Here is the formula for men - 12.7 times height plus 66 plus 6.3 times lean body mass minus 6.8 times age.

Here is the formula for women - 4.7 times height plus 655 plus 4.3 times lean body mass minus 4.7 times age.

Once you know what your basal metabolic rate is, you can figure out what your daily calorie need is. You don't want to cut the intake drastically below your basal metabolism rate, because you don't want to put your body into starvation mode. Also, you need to consider the activity aspect of calorie burning - how much exercise is worked into your weight loss plan?

body mass minus

Friday, August 15, 2014

Calories to Lose Weight - How Many is Too Many?

lose weight

Calories to lose weight, how many is too many? When trying to lose weight some people can become obsessed with numbers. They study calorie charts to see how many calories are in each lettuce leaf. There is obviously nothing wrong with knowing which foods are the worst offenders when it comes to hidden calories but this is not the only thing that matters.

Weight loss is not the same as fat loss. If you try to lose weight rapidly there is a danger of losing lean muscle tissue and water weight, and only a little body fat. This is not only bad from the point of view of looking good but the act of losing muscle can cause your metabolism to slow down, which makes losing body fat even more difficult than it was before. So losing muscle is not good and can impact your long term fat loss results.

As weight loss and fat loss are two different things it is important to remember that rapid weight loss is not always ideal. Losing weight quickly can make it more likely that the weight will be put back on. Of course we all want to lose fat rapidly but this must be done carefully and scientifically if the weight loss is going to be permanent.

lose weight

If you have a weight loss program and perform it properly you will be able to achieve the weight loss you want quickly by losing fat not just weight, by maintaining your lean muscle mass. Lean muscle mass is vital to long term success in weight control because it keeps your metabolic rate high.

It is easy to be attracted to the latest fad diet but any diet has to be supported by a suitable exercise routine to be truly successful. Its important to do resistance training in addition to aerobic exercise routines as this will help maintain the muscle mass. For long term success, build an exercise routine of at least 30mins into each day and include some resistance work with light weights. Weighing every portion of food you eat is neither practical nor sensible in my opinion but it is sensible to know which of the foods you prefer are the high calorie offenders and think about replacing them with lower calorie options.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Calories to Lose Weight - How Many?

your current

A "calorie" is a unit of energy stored in a particular food. Foods with more energy stored in them are higher in calories than are foods with less energy. For dieters the basic rule to losing weight is that your body must burn more calories (energy) in a period of time than you put in it by eating.

Before beginning a diet it is a good idea to determine how many calories you are eating each day now and work to reduce that number. Failing to have a good idea of what their real calorie consumption leads most people simply choose an arbitrary number of calories they are going to eat each day, say 1200, and then try to create a diet to meet that goal. The problem with this method is that by not establishing what you are currently eating, 1,200 calories might not be enough to deliver the level of nutrition your body is used to. If the new, lower calorie number is too low it may cause your body to go into starvation protection mode which makes losing any weight extremely difficult.

Here's a good way to determine where you are now: For a sedentary person (not getting any exercise other than normal daily living), multiply your current weight times 13 to determine your current basic daily calorie requirements;


For a sedentary person currently weighing 180 pounds their daily calorie requirement is 2,340 (180X13)

your current

For that same 180 pound individual, if they are moderately active (getting at least a half an hour of exercise 3 to 4 times a week) instead of sedentary, the multiplier rises to 16. So the current daily calorie requirement is now 180X16, or 2,880

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Calorie Counting Books - Why They Used to Be All Wrong

calories make

Counting and then shifting your calories is the best that you could do in order to ensure that you are getting your desired weight results especially on a tight and extensive diet regimen. Calories play an important role in both gaining and losing weight. Too much calories can make you fat while lesser calories can make you lose weight. But you have to take note that this may be difficult to do because each vegetable, fruits, meat and food has varied calorie measurement. Hence, it will come in handy if you have calorie counting books to assist you with or to from which you could start.

Why is there a need for calorie counting books?

calories make

1. If you really want to lose weight, these books will pose as your instructors too. They only not have calorie information on various fruits or food but also have various recipes that are low in calories that can help you in your journey to a thinner you. This will give you a comprehensive information on calorie counting as well as other things that you need to know about losing weight. It is like a know-it-all e-book that will surely make your diet process easier.

2. Calorie counting books will educate you in everything that you need to know about weight loss and calories. It is important that your calorie counting books do not only contain limited information. Meaning to say, it will be best that in selecting your book, you will consider the content as a whole rather than based on one particular information that you need for a moment.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Calories to Lose Weight

weight loss

When you start a weight loss program there are a few things that you should do. I am going to talk about two of them today. The first is to know what you are currently eating and how many calories you are consuming. The second is to figure out what you should eat and the calories to lose weight.

It is important to know how many calories you are consuming. Look at it this way; you are at your current weight for eating the way you currently do. By coming aware of the amount of calories you are consuming and the breakdown of the calories (fat, protein, carbohydrates, sugar, fiber etc...) you then can start making the proper modifications.

When doing this research do not just use one day. Record this data over an entire week span to get a good average. Some days you will most likely eat more and some you will eat less. It is the average that we are concerned about. When we start our diet it is the average we are going to be concerned with as well.

Once you know this number there are a couple things that we can do. For your reference, you need to expend 3500 calories to lose one pound of fat. So the most basic form of dieting is to eat 500 less calories a day. Over 7 days this should constitute 1 lbs of fat loss. Then if we exercise and expend another 500 calories a day we will be on schedule for 2 lbs per week weight loss.

into starvation

Another way is to figure out your Basel Metabolic Rate (BMR). Your BMR is a formula that estimates your nutritional requirements to maintain your current weight. The result would mean that if you did nothing but lie in bed all day; this is the amount of calories that you need to eat to maintain your weight.