Saturday, April 2, 2011

Help! I Can't Sleep: Tips for Curbing Your Insomnia

Perhaps the stress from last-minute holiday shopping wound you up so tight that your body is finding it difficult to relax even though we are inching our way into the New Year. Or, those random texts from your bestie turned enemy turned what the heck are we have produced feelings of anxiety, thus harshing the bedtime mellow (more about that later).

The good news about your couldn’t-sleep-if-they-paid-me affliction is that there are many interesting ways to help you get back on the right track!

According to the website, the following tips can make all the difference when it comes to settling in for the night.

Dark, Silent and Cool

Problem: A lot of us find it comforting to throw on a favorite movie or show while crawling under the covers. Oops! Our bodies would actually prefer to live in the pre-electricity era where once the candle burned out, so did we. Light, such as the glow from a TV, as well as too much heat can severely interfere with our ability to nod off.

Solution: Crack a window and keep the entertainment away from the bedroom (your hunny can stay but Jon Hamm has got to go).

Can I Pencil You In?

Problem: A good catnap is one of the simple pleasures in life. However, a nap that morphs into a Sleeping Beauty like coma will make you twice as tired later on.

Solution: Try your damndest to limit the snooze to just 30 minutes, and make it happen before 3:00 p.m. Also, get out of bed at the same time every day.

I Have a Big Presentation Tomorrow!

Problem: It goes without saying that being nervous about an impending work-related task can put you on pins and needles. Will your boss be impressed? What if you miss the train? So many things to worry about!

Solution: Position the alarm clock in such a way where you are unable to watch the hours pass. Continuously reminding yourself that it’s 5:00 in the morning and you must get to sleep NOW will only act as a stimulant. Obscure the numbers with a t-shirt and calm the heck down.

Restless Much?

Problem: It’s so easy, especially in the wintertime, to sip cup after cup of coffee or hot tea. We’ve known for years that caffeinated beverages are a sleep depressant, but we still love the zing and the cozy feeling that comes with said brews.

Solution: Enjoy the morning/early afternoon cup, and then call it quits. Hit the grocery store and have fun trying the different types of non-caffeinated coffees and teas. Yummy vanilla chais sans oomph do exist!

Let’s take a moment to revisit the texting issue. A recent study conducted by Dr. Peter G Polos of JFK Medical Center in Edison, NJ found that text messaging at all hours is directly connected to excessive movement during sleep, insomnia and leg pain. Can that note about your pal’s lazy, good for nothing boyfriend wait a few hours? If the play by play will stress you out, then you bet!

Now, back to the topic at hand. We have one more technique for our excessively sleepy readers to test…

Just Breathe

Problem: Whether in bed or out of bed, the majority of us are guilty of shallow breathing. When parts of your lungs go unused, “slimy secretions accumulate, irritating the air cells and other tissues, which become inflamed and begin to decay.” Yikes!

Solution: To hit two birds with one stone (keeping your lungs healthy and being able to sleep) practice abdominal breathing. Inhale using your chest, lower back, belly, and ribcage. This will help sooth your parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for relaxation. Take deep, slow breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth, and alternate between longer inhales and longer exhales.

Sweet dreams!


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