Monday, April 11, 2011

8 Household Cures For Indigestion

There all time when we all over-indulge in rich or spicy foods and suffer the uncomfortable, sometimes painful, results: indigestion. If you don’t want to go to the store or don’t like the idea of yet another over-the-counter medication, there are a number of household remedies you can try and get immediate relief.

Almonds. Eat about 10 skinned almonds or mix a teaspoon of almond oil in warm milk to relieve indigestion. Almonds are high in fiber and reduce constipation, too.

Baking Soda. Mix a half a teaspoon of baking soda with warm water and a few drops of lemon juice and drink it slowly.

Mint tea is a delicious and easy way to relieve and prevent indigestion. Drink several cups a day.

Garlic is another way to find relief. Add a few fresh, chopped cloves to your meals.

Cumin seeds mixed in a glass of water.

Fruits: Grapes, Oranges, Papaya and Pineapple are all healthy fruits and good ways to soothe the stomach.

Fennel Seeds. A teaspoon after each meal. It’s pleasant to chew on and it’s digestive properties are a reason you often find a bowl and small spoon with which to help yourself to at Indian restaurants.

Chicory Root, Escarole, or Endive are some of the oldest natural remedies for relieving stomach upset. Boil a half cup in water for ten minutes and drink as a tea.


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