Thursday, May 10, 2012

Managing Stress During The Holidays With Native Remedies

Holidays are often stressful whether you are with your family or by yourself. We often feel a depression during the holidays even when there are a lot of people near us. To help you get through your holidays with a minimum of stress and helping to improve your mental and physical health you may want to learn how to manage stressful situations, even if those situations involve your family.

Stress during the holidays is usually unavoidable. In order to control your body’s reaction to the holidays you need to develop coping mechanisms as well as a barrier to some of the more stressful aspects of the holidays. Awareness is your number one asset. You first need to be aware of the stress and how you are feeling to combat the most debilitating reactions on your health.

Depression is a result of stress and anxiety, two things that are very hard to remove yourself from during the holidays. To understand how to combat stress during the holidays and promote personal mental and physical health you should follow some of the suggestions below.

For Adults:

* Recognize the signs

* Avoid putting yourself in certain situations, if at all possible

* Learn the word “No”

* Overindulgence can lead to mental stress as well as physical discomfort. Avoid over eating.

* Exercise is important to reduce your tension as well as give you time to be by yourself.

* While sleep may be difficult try to find time for little naps or time to yourself to avoid stress due to lack of sleep.

* Be realistic in your goals for the holidays. Try not to do more than you can handle.

* Take a break, read a book, find a quiet room and just relax.

For kids:

* Structure is important to their days. You need to set parameters for them, such as quiet time or nap time each day.

* Talk with them about the activities for the day. Create a list for things to be done and make sure they understand some things will need to wait or be based on behavior.

* Make sure they are provided with enough sleep.

Native Remedies offers PureCalm to help with your stress, anxiety, and tension. MindSoothe is another effective remedy for depression that you as an adult may be feeling. K-OK Kiddie Calmer and MindSoothe Jr. can be two wonderful calming agents for your children if you feel they are still out of hand.

Native Remedies Fatigue Fighter is one way to keep your energy level boosted during those long days. The holidays will only last a few days, but you need to keep up your strength so keep in mind there are many things you can do to combat the holiday that are natural.


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