Sunday, August 14, 2011

Penis Extenders – Safe And Effective Penis Enlargement Method Or A Scam?

Women look to surgeons or wonder products for larger bust and longer eyelashes. Interestingly, men too are getting more interested in body enhancements, the most common one is penis enlargement.

Can penis extenders really benefit men? Using penis extenders enlarge the penis naturally over time. It is a recognized method of enlarging the penis.

A penis extender is inserted into the penis to stretch it for several hours every day. This device has fared well in a number of scientific tests. Penis extenders can also be used along with other penile enlargement methods like enhancement pills and exercises.

Stretching Can Increase Penile Size

Penis extenders are designed to constantly stretch the penis for long hours.

This causes the breakdown of penile tissues. The body would then regenerate larger tissues that are more resistant to force. Stretching also increases the blood flow into the penis. As a result, the penis achieves maximum erection.

Since this method brings about cellular regeneration, the result is permanent. Penile tissues end up being larger to adapt to the constant stress applied by the device. Penis enlargers work like the string of necklaces used by Burmese women long ago, which lengthened their neck. Although stretching body parts brings permanent results, it could only be effective if used continuously in the long run.

Clinical Tests on Penis Extenders

A study published on the British Journal of Urology looked into the effectiveness of penis extenders. Men who used the device gained as much as 32% in penis size or 0.9 inch in natural state. Men may need to wait for 6 months to see the results. Nevertheless, the results are impressive.

A separate study conducted in 2002 by the International Journal of Impotence Research showed that the percentage of penile size increase was relative to how long a penis extender was used. Thus, the longer a penis extender is worn, the larger the penis would grow.

Aside from increasing penis size, penis extenders have the potential to be a treatment for Peyronie’s disease, otherwise known as penis curvature.

How Effective Are Penis Extenders?

Penis extenders cause traction or lengthening of muscles as a result of continuous application of stress on the penis. Traction promotes the growth of tissues which are thicker and more resistant to stress. It can be said that penis extenders have the same effect as body-building exercises.

Penis extenders would not bring immediate results. The device has to be used regularly for at least 6 months. However, research shows that using penis extenders is an effective method of adding size to penis. Men really need to be patient and consistent with the use of the device to get positive results.

What to Look for When Buying Penis Extenders

Consider the following when choosing penis extenders:

* Product Claims - Does the manufacturer make realistic claims or promises? If you are not sure what exactly the manufacturer wants to offer, have them explained it to you. It is better to ask than to assume.

* Price – Affordability should never be the sole factor to consider when buying any product for getting low prices does not necessarily mean a true bargain. Be sure to inspect the unit and look into its physical quality. Also compare the extra benefits of buying a certain brand like free access to discussion groups and other freebies like DVDs and membership to video sites. Remember to look beyond what that product is mainly intended for.

* Customer Service – What was your experience with the company when you dealt with its customer service representatives in person or over the phone? Did you get clear information? Did the company address your questions courteously or were they only concerned with sales?

* Money Back Guarantee – You should always check the return policy. Only buy extenders from reputable companies that offer clear and well defined return policy. Six months is the shortest warranty period by industry standard. Since return policy is often vague and confusing, you should clarify everything with the customer representative of the company before buying.

* Product Reviews – Look for testimonials and what other buyers said about a certain brand.

What Are the Leading Brands of Penis Extenders?

It can be quite frustrating to compare various penis enhancement products and methods. So rather than research each brand on your own, just take a look at the following brands of penis extenders recommended by most. Although some penis extenders look the same, they tend to differ from each other in terms of quality, functionality, and comfort.

Rated #1 – SizeGenetics

Made of quality materials, SizeGenetics is designed to make the wearer feel comfortable. The base wings are made from metallic alloys, while the part that presses against the groin is made from plastic and comes with a rubber strap. SizeGenetics comes with a DVD on product usage.

Buyers can also participate in a discussion group where they can exchange experience with each other and ask company representatives as well.

Seventy-five percent of men who used SizeGenetics reported at least a one-inch increase in penis size, while 4% reported more than 2 inches of additional penile size. The product also treated 72% of penis curvature cases. Sixty-eight percent of users reported improvements in self-confidence and sex.

The manufacturer offers 180-day money back guarantee. Buyers who can give testimonials can have the product for free.

Rated #2 – Jes Extender

Introduced to the market 14 years ago, the Jes-Extender is the oldest brand of penis extender, increasing both the penis length and girth. It has undergone numerous improvements under the hand of notable medical professionals. The Jes-Extender is also painless and comfortable to wear.

A clinical study presented at the 1st International Interdisciplinary Symposium on Genitourinary Reconstructive Surgery showed that the penis extender could bring an average of 28%? increase in penis size. Some users experienced a penile size increase of 40%.

The manufacturer are so confident of their product that they’re offering a double refund guarantee policy!

Rated #3 – Phallosan

Phallosan has been proven to be effective in enlarging the penis by as much as 0.78 inch in girth and 1.9 inches in length in 6 months.

Phallosan passed a clinical trial conducted in 2005. The results of the study were published on The Journal of Sexual Medicine. Phallosan has been categorized as a Class I medical product by the European health authorities, satisfies all medical requirements and carries the CE symbol to prove it.

Rated #4 – Ultimate Stretcher

It is so far the cheapest penis extender. Ultimate Stretcher has been proven to be effective in growing the penis by 1.6 inches in length in 6 months. The manufacturer offers money back guarantee as well.

Penis Extenders – The Conclusion

To sum it up, penis extenders have been proven to be a safe and effective penis enhancement product. Furthermore, the enlargement of penis owing to penis extenders is permanent. Penis extenders also bring about additional benefits like correction of penis curvature and improvement of erectile dysfunction. Results would show up after six months of use. With all these benefits and impressive results, penis extenders are the perfect companion or even replacement for penis enhancement pills.


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