Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Diet and Weight Loss Tips - 2 Brutally Effective Methods

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Still on the hunt for effective diet and weight loss tips that will get you going in the right direction fast? To be blunt, if you aren't happy with the way you look and feel, you need to start doing something today. Just keep reading this short article to learn two simple ways of taking charge of your weight and body now.

Diet and Weight Loss Tips

Don't Skip Breakfast and Make Sure The Meal Contains Lots of Protein

Skipping breakfast is the number one mistake people make. The second biggest mistake people make is eating a breakfast full of processed foods. These foods are packed with carbohydrates and sugar. The last mistake people make is eating a light meal for breakfast.

If you're going to go light on any meal, breakfast is NOT the meal to choose. You want to eat a big meal breakfast and eat smaller meals throughout the remainder of the day.

Don't eat light all day and eat a huge meal for dinner. That's a huge mistake you definitely don't want to make if your goal is to lose weight.

I'd suggest a breakfast with eggs or cottage cheese, a couple pieces of fruit, and possibly some black beans. This plan works for me and I highly suggest you try it for a couple of weeks. Weigh yourself before you get started on this routine and then two weeks after.

cold water

I guarantee that if you stick to the routine you'll be thanking me in a couple of weeks.

After each shower, rinse yourself with cold water.

Rinse yourself with cold water for about fifteen seconds. Sure, it won't be comfortable and maybe even a little unbearable. But you can handle it. If you want to lose weight, it's worth the effort.

Rinsing yourself with cold water is the quickest way to induce fat burning thermogenesis. It's very effective, but fifteen seconds of sheer torture. But you CAN deal with it. Some things that are good for you just aren't that pleasant, but you do them anyway.

These two weight loss tips are time tested and brutally effective. Start doing them today.

people make


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