Friday, September 19, 2014

Calories to Lose Weight - How to Lose Weight and Gain Your Self-Confidence

your body


If you have ever struggled with your weight, you will understand that sometimes it can be frustrating beyond belief to persevere long enough to do it! A lot of people resort to un-healthy ways to the lose body weight that has been getting them down, often severely cutting calories to lose weight and not eating anywhere near as much as they should. The problem with this technique is often your body will go into survival mode, meaning everything you eat will be stored as fat in order for your body to survive.

Doing this is not only very bad for your body, but it can also be pretty pointless. Not only do you gain weight quickly to begin with, as time goes by you will find yourself becoming tired, irritable and you will experience some pretty nasty headaches! Few people realise that you can lose body weight as part of your lose weight program without starving yourself, and losing weight healthily can often lead to better weight loss, and longer lasting results!


First of all, it is important to know that the body likes slow changes when it comes to food and exercise, so plunging right in to running miles and miles a day will not result in immediate changes. Not only will you struggle, but it can often leave you feeling disheartened when you do not get anywhere.

Our bodies use food for energy, excess energy is then stored as fat, so if you eat more food than your body needs for daily activities and cell maintenance, you will gain weight. In order to prevent this, and lose weight effectively, it is important you reduce the amount of calories you eat, reasonably, and increase levels of activity. By doing this, your body will store less excess energy as fat, so your daily activities and exercise will make more of an impact on your weight.

Always introduce dietary and activity changes gradually. Small changes often make a bigger difference. For example, one extra biscuit a week can lead to a 5lb weight gain a year. By switching reasonably, like swapping full fat milk for semi-skimmed, or making time for breakfast each morning, you are more likely to stick to the changes you have made. You should always try to think of your lose weight plan in terms of permanently changing your eating habits, while a lose weight plan is usually set in terms of weeks, your aim should be to sustain these changes to keep your weight at a healthy level for years to come.


Gently increase your activity levels; someone who increases their daily activity and maintains their diet and calorie intake will almost certainly lose weight. If you hate gyms, you might be surprised to learn that even light exercise such as a short 20 minutes walk will be beneficial to you if you do it most days of the week. Remember - All these changes are positive, and they are something you were not doing before, so when you exercise more than usual, you will burn calories to lose weight and fat. Anything from aerobics classes, walking, swimming and cycling can improve your fitness levels and weight loss levels.

your body

As part of your lose weight program even little things like leaving your car at home, taking your dogs for longer walks, taking packed lunches so you know what you are eating, every extra step you take will benefit you in some way.


When it comes to calorie intake, there are a lot of things you can do in order to make a big difference on your lose weight plan. For example, replacing fizzy drinks and fruit cordials with water, eating less for lunch than you would usually, limit the amount of sugar you have in teas and coffees, cut out some unhealthy treats like confectionary, sugary biscuits and crisps, and cut down on beer and alcohol, by taking these simple steps, you can significantly make a difference to your weight.

And finally, be patient, and persevere, yes, it might take a couple of weeks for you to notice the changes, but once you notice, other people will start to notice too, and before you know it, you will be feeling better and better about yourself as each day goes by, and more driven to continue down that road to a brand new, slimmer you.

If you follow these tips, you are sure to notice that you will achieve some weight loss, without having to go on the latest fad diet and you will soon be back on track to being healthy and happy! Whatever you do, it is important to remember you can be successful in your weight loss without having to starve!


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