Tuesday, June 5, 2012

12 Days of Fitness--in Only 30 Minutes!

If you and your kid's schedules seem to go into overdrive in December, and fitting in your normal fitness routine and family time becomes even more of a challenge, why not sneak a few minutes of sweat-time in with the fam?

Fitness expert Patricia Friberg, offers fun-filled exercise ideas designed to get the busiest of families up and moving together. You'll burn calories and build strength while spending some quality time with the people that matter the most!

12 days of Family Fitness in 30 minutes:

1. Brisk walking in the Winter Wonderland: Enjoy the sights and sounds of Christmas as you walk side by side with your family. 30 minute walk.

2. "Baby its cold outside" Home obstacle Circuit: Pick 5-7 activities to do in your home, ie Living room hopscotch, back door to front door shuttle run, kitchen counter incline pushups and couch/ chair squats.

3. "Run Run Rudolf" Dash: Run the distance of one street light then walk the next to recover. Repeat (Try to do 30 minutes with a walking warm up and cool down for at least 5 minutes).

4. Jingle Bells and Jungle Gym Circuit: Incline pushups on gym stairs, swing planks feet on swing hands on floor, park bench single leg squat, jumping jacks, monkey bar negatives or pull ups.

5. "The Weather outside is frightful" Indoor Tag. Push the furniture aside and get ready for family game of Chase, Freeze Tag or TV tag. Ask your kids for the latest games.

6. Field trip Workout: Take the kids out for some family fun! Ie try bowling, rollerskating, or lazar tag, Now remember parents no sitting on the sidelines you must participate to burn calories.

7. Kid's Choice Day: There turn to choose, or create a fun new game!

8. Happy Holidays Scavenger Hunt. Walk or run to find your holiday clues; you can set up at the park, neighborhood, or on frigid days in the house.

9. Family Feud Workout: Pair up with another family to enjoy some healthy competition. You pick the sport of choice.

10. Family Choice Night: Cook a healthy meal together in the kitchen.

11. "O Christmas Tree Pose" Family Yoga! Google your favorite poses and have a family practice

12. "Rockin around the Christmas tree". Dance for 30 minutes to your favorite holiday tunes!

Still want to sweat and have some fun? Build a fun workout video together, enter to win tons of cool prizes to put under the Christmas tree!


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