Whether you are 14 or 44, dealing with acne typically takes a toll on not only your skin, but it can affect your self-esteem as well. While teenagers are more likely to suffer from acne, some adults still contend with breakouts, too. However, there are safe, gentle and effective ways to achieve clear, healthy skin!
Determine the cause
While factors vary per individual, acne, pimples, and blackheads can typically be narrowed down to a few common causes, including:
Hormones (may be related to puberty or monthly menstrual cycle)
Medications (such as steroids, anticonvulsants, hormones or birth control pills)
Clogged pores from cosmetics and skincare products
While this list is not inclusive, try eliminating a few possible causes and see if skin improves.
Establish healthy routines
As the skin is the body’s largest organ, it is affected from the inside-out! Take into consideration your diet, exercise and sleep habits, as these all play a role in optimum skin health. While many health experts claim that greasy foods or chocolate do not affect skin health, experiment for yourself – what may be true for the majority of individuals suffering from skin issues may not be true for you!
Cleanse your skin each morning, evening and post-workout and flush your system by drinking plenty of water to help keep skin clear.
Herbal and homeopathic support
If you’ve ever over-cleansed or over-treated due to acne, you’re familiar with the red, dry, tender skin that can result. Herbal ingredients can provide gentle effective results. Mentha pipererita oil, Bulbinella frutescens tr. and Aloe ferox tr. all work quickly to soothe and promote healthy, trouble-free skin.
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